Source code for pygauss.analysis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from itertools import product, imap
import copy
import math
import string
import multiprocessing
import platform

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import radviz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from IPython.core.display import clear_output

from .molecule import Molecule
from .utils import df_to_img
from .file_io import Folder

[docs]def unpack_and_make_molecule(val_dict): if val_dict.has_key('args'): args = val_dict.pop('args') else: args = [] return Molecule(*args, **val_dict)
[docs]class Analysis(object): """a class to analyse multiple computations """ def __init__(self, folderpath='', server=None, username=None, passwrd=None, folder_obj=None, headers=[]): """a class to analyse multiple computations Parameters ---------- folderpath : str the folder directory storing the files to be analysed server : str the name of the server storing the files to be analysed username : str the username to connect to the server passwrd : str server password, if not present it will be asked for during initialisation headers : list the variable categories for each computation """ self._folder = None if folder_obj: self._folder = folder_obj elif folderpath or server: self.set_folder(folderpath, server, username, passwrd) heads = headers[:]+['Molecule'] self._df = pd.DataFrame(columns=heads) = 'ID' self._next_index = 0 def __repr__(self): return self.get_table().to_string()
[docs] def copy(self): clone = copy.deepcopy(self) return clone
[docs] def get_folder(self): return self._folder
[docs] def set_folder(self, folderpath='', server=None, username=None, passwrd=None): self._folder = Folder(folderpath, server, username, passwrd)
folder = property(get_folder, set_folder, doc="The folder for gaussian runs")
[docs] def count_runs(self): """ get number of runs held in analysis """ return len(self._df.index)
def _add_molecule(self, molecule, identifiers): """add molecule to internal dataframe """ identifiers['Molecule'] = molecule series = pd.DataFrame(identifiers, index=[self._next_index]) self._df = self._df.copy().append(series) self._next_index += 1 return True
[docs] def add_run(self, identifiers={}, init_fname=None, opt_fname=None, freq_fname=None, nbo_fname=None, alignto=[], atom_groups={}, add_if_error=False, folder_obj=None): """add single Gaussian run input/outputs """ if not folder_obj: folder_obj = self._folder molecule = Molecule(init_fname=init_fname, opt_fname=opt_fname, freq_fname=freq_fname, nbo_fname=nbo_fname, folder_obj=folder_obj, alignto=alignto, atom_groups=atom_groups, fail_silently=True) num_files = filter(lambda x:x, [init_fname, opt_fname, freq_fname, nbo_fname]) read_errors = molecule.get_init_read_errors() if len(read_errors) != num_files and (not read_errors or add_if_error): self._add_molecule(molecule, identifiers) return molecule.get_init_read_errors()
def _get_molecules(self, mol_inputs, folder_obj, identifiers, ipython_print=False): """ get molecules """ if folder_obj.islocal() and not platform.system() == 'Windows': pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) mapping = pool.imap else: mapping = imap with folder_obj: molecules=[] all_read_errors = [] for molecule in mapping(unpack_and_make_molecule, mol_inputs): molecules.append(molecule) read_errors = [] for typ, fname, msg in molecule.get_init_read_errors(): idents = identifiers[len(molecules)-1].copy() idents.pop('Molecule', '_') idents['Type'] = typ idents['File'] = fname idents['Error_Message'] = msg read_errors.append(idents) all_read_errors.append(read_errors) if ipython_print: print 'Reading data {0} of {1}'.format(len(molecules), len(mol_inputs)) try: clear_output(wait=True) except: pass if folder_obj.islocal() and not platform.system() == 'Windows': pool.close() pool.join() return molecules, all_read_errors
[docs] def add_runs(self, headers=[], values=[], init_pattern=None, opt_pattern=None, freq_pattern=None, nbo_pattern=None, add_if_error=False, alignto=[], atom_groups={}, ipython_print=False, folder_obj=None): """add multiple Gaussian run inputs/outputs """ # set folder oject if not folder_obj: folder_obj = self._folder #get variables for each run mol_inputs = [] identifiers = [] for idents in product(*values): mol_input = {} identifiers.append(dict(zip(headers, idents))) mol_input['init_fname'] = init_pattern.format(*idents) if init_pattern else None if type(opt_pattern) is str: mol_input['opt_fname'] = opt_pattern.format(*idents) if opt_pattern else None elif type(opt_pattern) is list or type(opt_pattern) is tuple: mol_input['opt_fname'] = [o.format(*idents) for o in opt_pattern] else: mol_input['opt_fname'] = None mol_input['freq_fname'] = freq_pattern.format(*idents) if freq_pattern else None mol_input['nbo_fname'] = nbo_pattern.format(*idents) if nbo_pattern else None mol_input['folder_obj'] = folder_obj mol_input['alignto'] = alignto mol_input['atom_groups'] = atom_groups mol_input['fail_silently'] = True mol_inputs.append(mol_input) #create the molecules molecules, read_errors = self._get_molecules(mol_inputs, folder_obj, identifiers, ipython_print) #add the molecules to the internal table for molecule, idents, inputs, read_error in zip(molecules, identifiers, mol_inputs, read_errors): num_files = filter(lambda x:x, [inputs['init_fname'], inputs['opt_fname'], inputs['freq_fname'], inputs['nbo_fname']]) if read_error != num_files and (not read_error or add_if_error): self._add_molecule(molecule, idents) #collate read errors into a dataframe to return read_errors = filter(len, read_errors) err_df = pd.DataFrame([item for sublist in read_errors for item in sublist]) if read_errors: cols = err_df.columns.tolist() #rearrange columns headers cols.remove('Type'); cols.append('Type') cols.remove('File'); cols.append('File') cols.remove('Error_Message'); cols.append('Error_Message') err_df = err_df[cols] return err_df
[docs] def get_table(self, rows=[], columns=[], filters={}, precision=4, head=False, mol=False, row_index=[], column_index=[], as_image=False, na_rep='-', font_size=None, width=None, height=None, unconfined=False): """return pandas table of requested data in requested format Parameters ----------- rows : integer or list of integers select row ids columns : string/integer or list of strings/integers select column names/positions filters : dict filter for rows with certain value(s) in specific columns precision : int decimal precision of displayed values head : int return only first n rows mol : bool include column containing the molecule objects row_index : string or list of strings columns to use as new index column_index : list of strings srings to place in to higher order column indexs as_image : bool output the table as an image (used pygauss.utils.df_to_img) na_rep : str how to represent empty (nan) cells (if outputting image) width, height, unconfined : int, int, bool args for IPy Image Returns ------- df : pandas.DataFrame a table of data """ pd.set_option('precision', precision) if mol: df = self._df.copy() else: df = self._df.drop('Molecule', axis=1) for key, val in filters.iteritems(): if type(val) is list or type(val) is tuple: df = df[getattr(df, key).isin(val)] else: df = df[getattr(df, key)==val] if type(rows) is not list and type(rows) is not tuple: rows = [rows] if type(columns) is not list and type(columns) is not tuple: columns = [columns] if rows: df = df.loc[rows] if columns: cols = columns[:] if type(row_index) is list: cols += row_index else: cols.append(row_index) if mol: cols.append('Molecule') unique_cols = [] [unique_cols.append(x) for x in cols if x not in unique_cols] df = df.ix[:,unique_cols] if row_index: df = df.set_index(row_index) if column_index: col_index=[] for col in df.columns: col_tuple = (' ', col) for term in column_index: if len(col)>len(term): if col[:len(term)] == term: col_tuple = (term, col[len(term)+1:]) continue col_index.append(col_tuple) df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(col_index) if head: df = df.head(head) if as_image: return df_to_img(df, na_rep=na_rep, font_size=font_size, width=width, height=height, unconfined=unconfined) return df
[docs] def remove_rows(self, rows): """remove one or more rows of molecules Parameters ---------- rows : int or list of ints: the rows to remove """ self._df.drop(rows, inplace=True) return self.get_table()
[docs] def remove_columns(self, columns): self._df.drop(columns, axis=1, inplace=True) return self.get_table()
_basic_properties={'nbasis':'get_basis_funcs', 'basis':'get_basis_descript', 'optimised':'is_optimised', 'opt_error': 'get_run_error', 'conformer': 'is_conformer'}
[docs] def get_basic_property(self, prop, *args, **kwargs): """returns a series of a basic run property or nan if it is not available Parameters ---------- prop : str can be 'basis', 'nbasis', 'optimised', 'opt_error' or 'conformer' """ if prop not in self._basic_properties.keys(): raise ValueError('{0} not a molecule property'.format(prop)) def get_prop(m): method = getattr(m, self._basic_properties[prop]) try: out = method(*args, **kwargs) except: out = return out return
[docs] def add_basic_properties(self, props=['basis', 'nbasis', 'optimised', 'conformer']): """adds columns giving info of basic run properties """ for prop in props: try: series = self.get_basic_property(prop) except Exception: print 'error reading {0} \n setting to NaN'.format(prop) series = self._df[prop.capitalize()] = series return self.get_table()
[docs] def remove_non_optimised(self): """removes runs that were not optimised """ non_optimised = self._df[self.get_basic_property('optimised')!=True].copy() self._df = self._df[self.get_basic_property('optimised')==True] return non_optimised
[docs] def remove_non_conformers(self, cutoff=0.): """removes runs with negative frequencies """ non_conformers = self._df[self.get_basic_property('conformer', cutoff=cutoff)!=True].copy() self._df = self._df[self.get_basic_property('conformer', cutoff=cutoff)==True] return non_conformers
[docs] def add_mol_property(self, name, method, *args, **kwargs): """compute molecule property for all rows and create a data column Parameters ---------- name : str what to name the data column method : str what molecule method to call *args : various arguments to pass to the molecule method **kwargs : various keyword arguments to pass to the molecule method """ if type(name) is tuple or type(name) is list: for idx, n in enumerate(name): func = lambda m: getattr(m, method)(*args, **kwargs)[idx] self._df[n] = else: func = lambda m: getattr(m, method)(*args, **kwargs) self._df[name] = return self.get_table()
[docs] def add_mol_property_subset(self, name, method, rows=[], filters={}, args=[], kwargs={}, relative_to_rows=[]): """compute molecule property for a subset of rows and create/add-to data column Parameters ---------- name : str or list of strings name for output column (multiple if method outputs more than one value) method : str what molecule method to call rows : list what molecule rows to calculate the property for filters : dict filter for selecting molecules to calculate the property for args : list the arguments to pass to the molecule method kwargs : dict the keyword arguments to pass to the molecule method relative_to_rows: list of ints compute values relative to the summated value(s) of molecule at the rows listed """ df = self.get_table(rows=rows, filters=filters, mol=True) if relative_to_rows: rel_df = self.get_table(rows=relative_to_rows, mol=True) if type(name) is tuple or type(name) is list: for idx, n in enumerate(name): func = lambda m: getattr(m, method)(*args, **kwargs)[idx] vals = if relative_to_rows: rel_val = vals = vals - rel_val if n in self._df.columns: self._df[n] = vals.combine_first(self._df[n]) else: self._df[n] = vals else: func = lambda m: getattr(m, method)(*args, **kwargs) vals = if relative_to_rows: rel_val = vals = vals - rel_val if name in self._df.columns: self._df[name] = vals.combine_first(self._df[name]) else: self._df[name] = vals return self.get_table()
[docs] def get_ids(self, variable_names, variable_lists): """return ids of a list of unique computations """ df = self.get_table() df['Index'] = df.index df.set_index(variable_names, inplace=True) df.sortlevel(inplace=True) ids = [] for variable_lst in variable_lists: df1 = df.copy() try: for v in variable_lst: df1 = df1.loc[v] except KeyError: raise ValueError( 'could not find variable set; {}'.format(variable_lst)) i = df1.Index if hasattr(i, 'values'): raise ValueError( 'variable set is not unique; {}'.format(variable_lst)) ids.append(int(i)) return ids
[docs] def get_molecule(self, row): """ get molecule object coresponding to particular row """ return copy.deepcopy(self._df.Molecule.loc[row]) ## TODO will active work?
[docs] def yield_mol_images(self, rows=[], filters={}, mtype='optimised', sort_columns=[], align_to=[], rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], gbonds=True, represent='ball_stick', zoom=1., width=300, height=300, axis_length=0, relative=False, minval=-1, maxval=1, highlight=[], active=False, sopt_min_energy=20., sopt_cutoff_energy=0., atom_groups=[], alpha=0.5, transparent=False, hbondwidth=5, eunits='kJmol-1', no_hbonds=False, ipyimg=True): """yields molecules Parameters ---------- mtype : 'initial', 'optimised', 'nbo', 'highlight', 'highlight-initial', 'sopt' or 'hbond' info_columns : list of str columns to use as info in caption max_cols : int maximum columns in plot label_size : int subplot label size (pts) start_letter : str starting (capital) letter for labelling subplots save_fname : str name of file, if you wish to save the plot to file rows : int or list index for the row of each molecule to plot (all plotted if empty) filters : dict {columns:values} to filter by sort_columns : list of str columns to sort by align_to : [int, int, int] align geometries to the plane containing these atoms rotations : list of [float, float, float] for each rotation set [x,y,z] an image will be produced gbonds : bool guess bonds between atoms (via distance) represent : str representation of molecule ('none', 'wire', 'vdw' or 'ball_stick') zoom : float zoom level of images width : int width of original images height : int height of original images (although width takes precedent) axis_length : float length of x,y,z axes in negative and positive directions relative : bool coloring of nbo atoms scaled to min/max values in atom set (for nbo mtype) minval : float coloring of nbo atoms scaled to absolute min (for nbo mtype) maxval : float coloring of nbo atoms scaled to absolute max (for nbo mtype) highlight : list of lists atom indxes to highlight (for highlight mtype) eunits : str the units of energy to return (for sopt/hbond mtype) sopt_min_energy : float minimum energy to show (for sopt/hbond mtype) sopt_cutoff_energy : float energy below which bonds will be dashed (for sopt mtype) alpha : float alpha color value of geometry (for highlight/sopt/hbond mtypes) transparent : bool whether atoms should be transparent (for highlight/sopt/hbond mtypes) hbondwidth : float width of lines depicting interaction (for hbond mtypes) atom_groups : [list or str, list or str] restrict interactions to between two lists (or identifiers) of atom indexes (for sopt/hbond mtypes) no_hbonds : bool whether to ignore H-Bonds in the calculation ipyimg : bool whether to return an IPython image, PIL image otherwise Yields ------- indx : int the row index of the molecule mol : IPython.display.Image or PIL.Image an image of the molecule in the format specified by ipyimg """ df = self.get_table(columns=['Molecule']+sort_columns, rows=rows, filters=filters, mol=True) if sort_columns: df.sort(sort_columns, inplace=True) for indx, mol in zip(df.index, df.Molecule): if align_to: align_atoms = mol.get_atom_group(align_to) mol.set_alignment_atoms(*align_atoms) if mtype == 'initial': yield indx, mol.show_initial(gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, ipyimg=ipyimg) elif mtype == 'optimised': yield indx, mol.show_optimisation(gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, ipyimg=ipyimg) elif mtype == 'nbo': yield indx, mol.show_nbo_charges(gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, relative=relative, minval=minval, maxval=maxval, ipyimg=ipyimg) elif mtype == 'highlight': yield indx, mol.show_highlight_atoms(highlight, alpha=alpha, optimised=True, transparent=transparent, gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, ipyimg=ipyimg) elif mtype == 'highlight-initial': yield indx, mol.show_highlight_atoms(highlight, alpha=alpha, optimised=False, transparent=transparent, gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, ipyimg=ipyimg) elif mtype == 'sopt': yield indx, mol.show_sopt_bonds(min_energy=sopt_min_energy, cutoff_energy=sopt_cutoff_energy, no_hbonds=no_hbonds, eunits=eunits, atom_groups=atom_groups, alpha=alpha, transparent=transparent, gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, relative=relative, minval=minval, maxval=maxval, ipyimg=ipyimg) elif mtype == 'hbond': yield indx, mol.show_hbond_analysis(min_energy=sopt_min_energy, cutoff_energy=sopt_cutoff_energy, eunits=eunits, atom_groups=atom_groups, bondwidth=hbondwidth, alpha=alpha, transparent=transparent, gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, relative=relative, minval=minval, maxval=maxval, ipyimg=ipyimg) else: raise ValueError( 'mtype must be initial, optimised, nbo, highlight, highligh-initial, sopt or hbond')
def _get_letter(self, number): """get an uppercase letter according to a number""" if number < 26: return string.ascii_uppercase[number] else: first_letter = string.ascii_uppercase[int(number/26)-1] second_letter = string.ascii_uppercase[number % 26] return first_letter + second_letter
[docs] def plot_mol_images(self, mtype='optimised', max_cols=1, padding=(1, 1), sort_columns=[], info_columns=[], info_incl_id=False, label_size=20, letter_prefix='', start_letter='A', rows=[], filters={}, align_to=[], rotations=[[0., 0., 0.]], gbonds=True, represent='ball_stick', zoom=1., width=500, height=500, axis_length=0, relative=False, minval=-1, maxval=1, highlight=[], frame_on=False, eunits='kJmol-1', sopt_min_energy=20., sopt_cutoff_energy=0., atom_groups=[], alpha=0.5, transparent=False, hbondwidth=5, no_hbonds=False): """show molecules in matplotlib table of axes Parameters ---------- mtype : 'initial', 'optimised', 'nbo', 'highlight', 'highlight-initial', 'sopt' or 'hbond' max_cols : int maximum columns in plot padding: tuple padding between images (horizontally, vertically) sort_columns : list of str columns to sort by info_columns : list of str columns to use as info in caption info_incl_id : bool include molecule id number in caption label_size : int subplot label size (pts) letter_prefix : str prefix for labelling subplots start_letter : str starting (capital) letter for labelling subplots rows : int or list index for the row of each molecule to plot (all plotted if empty) filters : dict {columns:values} to filter by align_to : [int, int, int] align geometries to the plane containing these atoms rotations : list of [float, float, float] for each rotation set [x,y,z] an image will be produced gbonds : bool guess bonds between atoms (via distance) represent : str representation of molecule ('none', 'wire', 'vdw' or 'ball_stick') zoom : float zoom level of images width : int width of original images height : int height of original images (although width takes precedent) axis_length : float length of x,y,z axes in negative and positive directions relative : bool coloring of nbo atoms scaled to min/max values in atom set (for nbo mtype) minval : float coloring of nbo atoms scaled to absolute min (for nbo mtype) maxval : float coloring of nbo atoms scaled to absolute max (for nbo mtype) highlight : list of lists atom indxes to highlight (for highlight mtype) eunits : str the units of energy to return (for sopt/hbond mtype) sopt_min_energy : float minimum energy to show (for sopt/hbond mtype) sopt_cutoff_energy : float energy below which bonds will be dashed (for sopt mtype) alpha : float alpha color value of geometry (for sopt/hbond mtypes) transparent : bool whether atoms should be transparent (for sopt/hbond mtypes) hbondwidth : float width of lines depicting interaction (for hbond mtypes) atom_groups : [list or str, list or str] restrict interactions to between two lists (or identifiers) of atom indexes (for sopt/hbond mtypes) no_hbonds : bool whether to ignore H-Bonds in the calculation (for sopt only) frame_on : bool whether to show frame around each image Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure A figure containing subplots for each molecule image caption : str A caption describing each subplot, given info_columns """ letter_offset = string.ascii_uppercase.find(start_letter) if letter_offset == -1: raise ValueError('start_letter must be an uppercase single letter') df = self.get_table(rows=rows, columns=info_columns, filters=filters) num_mols = len(df) imgs = self.yield_mol_images(rows=rows, filters=filters, mtype=mtype, align_to=align_to, gbonds=gbonds, represent=represent, sort_columns=sort_columns, rotations=rotations, zoom=zoom, width=width, height=height, axis_length=axis_length, relative=relative, minval=minval, maxval=maxval, highlight=highlight, active=False, ipyimg=False, eunits=eunits, sopt_min_energy=sopt_min_energy, sopt_cutoff_energy=sopt_cutoff_energy, atom_groups=atom_groups, alpha=alpha, transparent=transparent, hbondwidth=hbondwidth, no_hbonds=no_hbonds) #num_rows = int(math.ceil(num_mols/float(max_cols))) #num_cols = min([max_cols, num_mols]) num_cols=int(max_cols) num_rows=int(math.ceil(num_mols/float(num_cols))) fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_rows, num_cols, squeeze=False, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios':[1]*num_cols}) for ax in fig.get_axes(): ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_anchor('NW') ax.set_frame_on(False) mol_num = 0 caption = [] for indx, img in imgs: ax = axes[int(math.ceil((mol_num+1)/float(max_cols)))-1, mol_num % max_cols] ax.imshow(img)#, aspect='equal') ax.set_frame_on(frame_on) if label_size: ax.text(0,0.8,letter_prefix+self._get_letter(mol_num+letter_offset), size=label_size, weight="bold") info = ', '.join(df[info_columns].loc[indx].fillna('-').astype(str)) if info_incl_id: info = str(indx) + ', ' + info caption.append( '(' + letter_prefix+self._get_letter(mol_num+letter_offset) + ') ' + info) mol_num += 1 #resize extra axes to be same as last img while mol_num < num_rows*num_cols: ax = axes[int(math.ceil((mol_num+1)/float(max_cols)))-1, mol_num % max_cols] ax.imshow(img) ax.clear() mol_num += 1 fig.tight_layout(w_pad=padding[0], h_pad=padding[1]) caption = ', '.join(caption) #insert newline character every 80 charaters #caption = re.sub("(.{80})", "\\1\n", caption, 0, re.DOTALL) return fig, caption
[docs] def plot_mol_graphs(self, gtype='energy', share_plot=False, max_cols=1, padding=(1,1), tick_rotation=0, rows=[], filters={}, sort_columns=[], info_columns=[], info_incl_id=False, letter_prefix='', start_letter='A', grid=True, sharex=True, sharey=True, legend_size=10, color_scheme='jet', eunits='eV', per_energy=1., lbound=None, ubound=None, color_homo='g', color_lumo='r', homo_lumo_lines=True,homo_lumo_values=True,band_gap_value=True): """get a set of data plots for each molecule Parameters ---------- gtype : str the type of plot, energy = optimisation energies, freq = frequency analsis, dos = Densty of States, share_plot : bool whether to plot all data on the same or separate axes max_cols : int maximum columns on plots (share_plot=False only) padding: tuple padding between images (horizontally, vertically) tick_rotation : int rotation of x-axis labels rows : int or list index for the row of each molecule to plot (all plotted if empty) filters : dict {columns:values} to filter by sort_columns : list of str columns to sort by info_columns : list of str columns to use as info in caption info_incl_id : bool include molecule id number in labels letter_prefix : str prefix for labelling subplots (share_plot=False only) start_letter : str starting (capital) letter for labelling subplots (share_plot=False only) grid : bool whether to include a grid in the axes sharex : bool whether to align x-axes (share_plot=False only) sharey : bool whether to align y-axes (share_plot=False only) legend_size : int the font size (in pts) for the legend color_scheme : str the scheme to use for each molecule (share_plot=True only) according to eunits : str the units of energy to use per_energy : float energy interval to group states by (DoS only) lbound : float lower bound energy (DoS only) ubound: float upper bound energy (DoS only) color_homo : matplotlib.colors color of homo in matplotlib format color_lumo : matplotlib.colors color of lumo in matplotlib.colors homo_lumo_lines : bool draw lines at HOMO and LUMO energies homo_lumo_values : bool annotate HOMO and LUMO lines with exact energy values band_gap_value : bool annotate inbetween HOMO and LUMO lines with band gap value Returns ------- data : matplotlib.figure.Figure plotted frequency data caption : str A caption describing each subplot, given info_columns """ df = self.get_table(columns=list(set(info_columns+sort_columns)), rows=rows, filters=filters, mol=True) num_plots = df.index.shape[0] if sort_columns: df.sort(sort_columns, inplace=True) if gtype == 'energy': mol_func = 'plot_opt_energy' x_label = 'Optimisation Step' y_label = 'Energy ({0})'.format(eunits) all_plot_kwargs = {'units':eunits} per_plot_kwargs = {'linecolor':getattr(cm,color_scheme)( np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, num_plots))} elif gtype == 'freq': mol_func = 'plot_freq_analysis' x_label = 'Frequency ($cm^{-1}$)' y_label = 'IR Intensity ($km/mol$)' all_plot_kwargs = {} per_plot_kwargs = {'color':getattr(cm,color_scheme)( np.linspace(0, 1, num_plots)), 'alpha':np.linspace(1, 0.5, num_plots), 'marker_size':np.linspace(25, 15, num_plots)} elif gtype == 'dos': if share_plot: raise ValueError('share_plots not available for Density of States') mol_func = 'plot_dos' x_label = 'Density of States (per {0} {1})'.format(per_energy, eunits) y_label = 'Energy ({})'.format(eunits) all_plot_kwargs = {'eunits':eunits, 'per_energy':per_energy, 'lbound':lbound, 'ubound':ubound, 'color_homo':color_homo, 'color_lumo':color_lumo, 'homo_lumo_lines':homo_lumo_lines, 'homo_lumo_values':homo_lumo_values, 'band_gap_value':band_gap_value, 'legend_size':legend_size} else: raise ValueError('gtype; {0}, not available'.format(gtype)) ax_num = 0 caption = [] if share_plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() legend = [] for indx, row in df.iterrows(): plot_kwargs = all_plot_kwargs.copy() for k, v in per_plot_kwargs.iteritems(): plot_kwargs[k] = v[ax_num] getattr(row.Molecule, mol_func)(ax=ax, **plot_kwargs) label = ', '.join(row[info_columns].fillna('-').astype(str)) if info_incl_id: label = str(indx) + ', ' + label legend.append(label) ax_num += 1 ax.grid(grid) for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(tick_rotation) ax.legend(legend, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legend_size}) else: num_rows = int(math.ceil(num_plots/float(max_cols))) num_cols = min([max_cols, num_plots]) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=num_rows, ncols=num_cols, squeeze=False, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey) letter_offset = string.ascii_uppercase.find(start_letter) if letter_offset == -1: raise ValueError('start_letter must be an uppercase single letter') for indx, row in df.iterrows(): i = int(math.ceil((ax_num+1)/float(max_cols)))-1 j = ax_num % max_cols getattr(row.Molecule, mol_func)(ax=axes[i,j], **all_plot_kwargs) axes[i,j].grid(grid) for tick in axes[i,j].get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(tick_rotation) info = ', '.join(row[info_columns].fillna('-').astype(str)) if info_incl_id: info = str(indx) + ', ' + info letter = self._get_letter(ax_num+letter_offset) axes[i,j].set_title(letter_prefix+letter, fontweight="bold") caption.append('(' + letter_prefix+letter + ') ' + info) ax_num += 1 #hide extraneous axes for extra_ax in range(ax_num, num_rows*num_cols): i = int(math.ceil((extra_ax+1)/float(max_cols)))-1 j = extra_ax % max_cols axes[i,j].axis('off') ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # The big subplot ax.tick_params(top='off', bottom='off', left='off', right='off', labelbottom='on', labelleft='on', pad=25) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) fig.tight_layout(w_pad=padding[0], h_pad=padding[1]) caption = ', '.join(caption) return fig, caption
[docs] def plot_radviz_comparison(self, category_column, columns=[], rows=[], filters={}, point_size=30, **kwargs): """return plot axis of radviz graph RadViz is a way of visualizing multi-variate data. It is based on a simple spring tension minimization algorithm. Basically you set up a bunch of points in a plane. In our case they are equally spaced on a unit circle. Each point represents a single attribute. You then pretend that each sample in the data set is attached to each of these points by a spring, the stiffness of which is proportional to the numerical value of that attribute (they are normalized to unit interval). The point in the plane, where our sample settles to (where the forces acting on our sample are at an equilibrium) is where a dot representing our sample will be drawn. Depending on which class that sample belongs it will be colored differently. """ col_names = self._df.drop('Molecule', axis=1).columns.tolist() if category_column not in col_names: raise ValueError('{0} not in columns'.format(category_column)) columns = columns[:] if columns and category_column not in columns: if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in columns): columns.append(col_names.index(category_column)) else: columns.append(category_column) df = self.get_table(rows, columns, filters) df = df.sort(category_column) f, ax = plt.subplots() ax = radviz(df, category_column, ax=ax, s=point_size, **kwargs) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) return ax
[docs] def calc_kmean_groups(self, category_column, category_name, groups, columns=[], rows=[], filters={}): """calculate the kmeans grouping of rows The KMeans algorithm clusters data by trying to separate samples in n groups of equal variance, minimizing a criterion known as the inertia or within-cluster sum-of-squares. This algorithm requires the number of clusters to be specified. It scales well to large number of samples and has been used across a large range of application areas in many different fields. """ col_names = self._df.drop('Molecule', axis=1).columns.tolist() if category_column not in col_names: raise ValueError('{0} not in columns'.format(category_column)) filters[category_column] = category_name df = self.get_table(rows, columns, filters) k_means = KMeans(n_clusters=groups) cats = k_means.predict(df) return pd.DataFrame({'Name':category_name, 'Category':cats}, index=df.index)
if __name__ == '__main__': pass