Whats New

v0.6.0 - Functional Improvements

v0.5.1 - MSDocument Improvements

Improved the pygauss.docs.MSDocument class:

v0.5.0 - DoS Analysis & Multiprocessed I/O

Back-compatibility note: replaced plot_optimisation_E and get_optimisation_E with

pygauss.molecule.Molecule.get_opt_energy() and pygauss.molecule.Molecule.plot_opt_energy(),

to adhere with standard naming conventions.

*multiprocessing not currently available in Windows or over SSH

v0.4.4 - Output to MS Word Documents

v0.4.3 - Coninuous Integrated Testing

Addition of continuous integrated testing using [Travis](https://travis-ci.org/) and testing coverage analysis using [Coverall](https://coveralls.io/).

v0.4.2 - Addition of Documentation

addition of Sphinx documentation

v0.4.0 - Major Update

update includes:

  • refactoring of data io
  • improvement of second order perturbation theory analysis
  • image output to table
  • addition of unit test suite
  • improvement of method documentation

breaks some back compatibility

v0.3.0 - File Input Over SSH

main update is the ability setup an ssh connection to a server, using the paramiko library, and parse analysis files over it. Also the ability to use wildcards (*) in input file names.

some minor back compatibility breaks

v0.2.2 - Table Image Improvements

Improvements to Table to Image functionality on OSx

  • added some fixes
  • re-organised test modules

v0.2.1 - Latex Table Images

addition of functionality to output analysis tables as latex images for input into projects!

v0.2 - Initial working distribution

Working distribution of pygauss to be converted to first conda package

v0.1 - First Version

the first version