Welcome to PyGauss’s documentation!

Author Chris Sewell
Project Page https://github.com/chrisjsewell/PyGauss
Conda Distro https://conda.binstar.org/cjs14
PyPi Distro https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygauss

PyGauss is designed to be an API for examining one or more input/output files from a Gaussian quantum chemical computation, providing functionality to assess molecular geometry and electronic distribution both visually and quantitatively.

It is built on top of the cclib/chemview/chemlab suite of packages and python scientific stack and is primarily designed to be used interactively in the IPython Notebook . As shown in the examples, a molecular optimisation can be assesed individually (much like in gaussview), but also as part of a group. The advantages of this package are then:

  • Faster, more efficient analysis
  • Reproducible analysis
  • Extensible analysis


Pygauss is released under the GNU GPLv3 and its main developer is Chris Sewell.